Friday, November 9, 2012

Eighteen Months

What he's been up to:

* Visited Little Rock and ate at all the yummy places mom and dad used to love eating at.  Also went to the Little Rock zoo, it was hot but really fun!

* Said goodbye to daddy as he left on his first deployment since Elim was born.  It was a sad day and we really miss him a lot!

* Ninth tooth broke through on June 7, it was his fourth tooth on the bottom left up front!

* Tenth tooth broke through on June 13th, it was his second molar on the top right.  This one was pretty nasty and he had a rough time with it coming through, poor baby.

* Eleventh tooth broke through on June 20th, this one caught us by surprise!  It's his bottom right molar which means he's got a matching top and bottom tooth and soon he'll be able to eat a wider variety of things with his new chewing abilities!

* Twelfth tooth broke through on July 10th, his bottom left molar!

*Thirteenth tooth broke through, his upper right canine on July 25th.

* Got his first brain freeze eating baskin robins sherbert!  He was none too happy, poor baby.

* Flew to Philadelphia to visit mommy's old friend from Elementary school.  We went to many places like the adventure aquarium, Elmwood Park Zoo, Philadelphia zoo, Central Park zoo on a trip up to New York City too!  It was a fun little getaway to take our minds off of daddy being gone.

Inside a Teepee at Elmwood Park Zoo!

Fun at the zoo playground!

Playing piano with Mrs. Jaber

First taste of Rita's Water Ice!!

He seemed to like it, the custard at least.  Lemonade was the only flavor of water ice he liked

Giving a guy at Arby's the "what are you looking at" look that he perfected on this trip.

Trying to drink a little pool water, it was hot out!

Helping mommy pack!

 I just want a little kettle corn!

 Giving daddy kisses on Skype

Being traumatized by anti-semitic Elmo in front of the Central Park Zoo

Train ride home with Auntie Kaity!

* Went to his first fourth of July parade in downtown Edmond.  We were missing our soldier but had a great time watching all the people and animals in the parade!

His expression after throwing down a pop-its (things that snap when you throw them on the ground) 

Is this how you eat corn?

* Peed on the potty for the first time on July 25th!  After flushing the toilet he wanted up, so mommy put him up there and told him to go pee pee and he did!  Not anywhere near potty training yet, but hey, we'll let him have some fun!

* Traveled to Little Rock and stayed overnight with our old friend from Guam, the Graaks!

Saying bye bye to Grammy before the long road trip!

And we're ready to go!

Saying hi to Dave and Eva Graak

* Traveled to Columbus, Mississippi to visit a fellow angel momma, Katie!!  So good to finally meet her after years of talking to her online!  We had a blast hanging out at Wally world picking out a crib for her diamond baby, then meeting chickens at her house and the feeding the geese at the state park!

* Traveled to Pensacola Florida to visit another friend from Guam, Dawn and her son Xander!  We spent a day at the beach!

What he can do

* Eat with a fork!  He's learning how to eat with a fork.  He's not perfect and has to improvise sometimes, but he's getting there!


Lauren said...

Adorable! Amazing how fast time flies!