Wednesday, September 30, 2009

12 Weeks and Onto the 2nd Trimester!

Woohoo, made it through the first trimester and now I'm in the 2nd! Now if someone could tell my body that and I won't feel sick when I'm tired! At least now it's usually only around bedtime and not all day unless I worked the day before! Nothing really new this week, I went and bought some maternity pants so I'll have them on hand when I need them, right now my normal pants still fit mainly because they were a little big to begin with! We had a little excitement here on Guam today. They've been worried for days that a tropical storm was going to hit us, but when it got about 2 hours away it fizzled out and was nothing, we didn't even get more rain than usual! There is still another tropical storm right behind that one named Melor that is supposed to turn into a typhoon (same thing as a hurricane) and right now is estimated to go about 60 miles to the north of base Saturday night, hopefully it doesn't start turning south in the next couple of days! Though after the one today, our typhoon shutters are shut and our supply of food is good!

12 Weeks

Thursday, September 24, 2009

11 Weeks!

Nothing much has changed in the past week or so. As you can tell I had another ultrasound this past Monday and got some great pictures from it! It was so cool getting to see the babies moving their tiny arms and legs already! My next appointment will be sometime in the beginning of November, and I think I'll maybe get another ultrasound at that point in time. I grew out of my first pair of pants, and of course it had to be my "nicer" pants that I wore to spouse functions so tomorrow I will be going out in search of new pants that will hopefully fit me for a decent amount of time! Tomorrow is the Air Force ball, and I'm lucky that one of my dresses still fits me so I didn't have to go buy a new one! Tomorrow I'm headed down to the NEX at big navy and I'm hoping they carry the crib set I want, if they are I'll probably order it. I learned quick on Guam that if they have it and you want it you better buy it now becasue on a week it'll be gone! Anyway, I can't believe that I am almost three months pregnant, it seems like the past two months have flown by!

11 Weeks

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

10 Week, 4 Day Ultrasound!

I had another ultrasound on Monday at 10 weeks 4 days pregnant. It was really cool getting to see the babies again! They've both grown a ton since my last appointment, they are now 4.18 and 4 cm from crown to rump. Both are doing well and I even got to see them moving around! Baby A took a little coaxing from Dr. Kuskowski pressing on my belly but it eventually woke up and started moving around.

Both Babies, Twin B looks like it is either waving or saluting, lol!
Baby A with the head on the left, 4.18 cmBaby B with the head on the right, 4.oo cm
Showing they're Dichorionic-Diamniotic Twins (Two Chorions and Two Amniotic Sacs)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 Weeks

Woohoo, 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy and meeting my babies! I seem to be getting a bit more of my energy back now, I finally have a completely clean house now that it's coming back too! Still having a bit of morning sickness, but it usually happens at night and seems to stay away so long as I keep snacking. I'm also having some hip pain, but it seems to go away after I sit down for awhile so it's not too bad. I'm having tons of fun looking at all kinds of baby stuff! I've figured out that all of the baby furniture I'll need will fit in our tiny second bedroom, thank goodness!! It'll be wall to wall furniture, but it'll fit! We'll go and order it on Monday, so hopefully it'll be here before the babies are born and flown back here! We're also starting to think of baby names, nothing concrete yet though. We have a couple of middle names though. Anyway, need to finish getting ready for work tomorrow.
1o Weeks

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9 Weeks

This isn't going to be all that long, I'm tired after a full day of work! I'm 9 weeks pregnant now, and not a whole lot has changed. I do notice I have a definite pooch to my stomach but I think only the people that see me on a regular basis would notice. I got my first maternity clothes in this week. I decided to order early online otherwise it might be too late! Most of my stuff will probably be ordered online, there's only one real maternity store here and it's kind of expensive! But I got several shirts and one pair of sweat pants that fit me pretty well. My next ultrasound is in a week and a half and I can't wait to see how big they've gotten! Anyway, here's my pic!

9 Weeks

Thursday, September 3, 2009

8 Weeks

This past week was much better than the last week! I even had a few days where I felt pretty much normal! Bland food is still my main choice, though I have had a few days where I was able to eat a little different! We went to Joinus Teppanyaki down in Tumon for lunch this week and it was pretty good! It wasn't as good as Crazy Hibachi, which I'm still craving! I got the chicken and steak, they don't add much flavoring but the steak was pretty good when dipped in the finadene (soy sauce mixed with a few other things). The garlic fried rice was wonderful though! It was much better than what we've been getting at the chinese restaraunts as it wasn't covered in a ton of oil. I'm starting to get some of my energy back, though even going out for a little while still seems to tire me out for the rest of the day! I had my first "prenatal class" today, which in reality was mostly filling out paperwork. There was a ton, and a lot of it didn't pertain to me since they'll be sending me off island at 24 weeks until after the twins are born. We are hoping that I can be sent to Oklahoma instead of Japan so that I will be near family and have Charles sent out before they are born. From the sounds of it, there shouldn't be a problem but hopefully we can get it worked out.

8 Week Belly Picture