Thursday, August 27, 2009

7 Weeks

Today I am 7 weeks along, and I can say that morning sickness has officially kicked in! No throwing up yet, just general feeling like i'm going to get sick. Eating a little something before I get out of bed has seemed to help somewhat, at least I don't feel sick right from the start! On the other hand, I'm finding that when I'm hungry I'm starving and need to eat something right away! I think Charles is going to go crazy with dinner and me wanting it at a specific time instead of our usual whenever we get around to it. It was really cool seeing the ultrasound a few days ago, this time the doctor was able to get the heartbeats for both of them so we got to hear them too! My next ultrasound is in three and a half weeks and I can't wait to see how much they've grown in the four weeks between ultrasounds!!

7 Week Belly Picture: Babies or rice krispie treats?

On another note, my brother Josh and his wife Lauren welcomed their son Sawyer Edward Alan Taylor into this world a couple of days ago. He's so cute and I can't wait to meet him in December! Here's a couple of pics.
Sawyer and Daddy
Sawyer and Mommy

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ultrasound Pics!

Twin A

Twin B

Thursday, August 20, 2009's Twins!!!

I'm 6 weeks pregnant now, and have known that I'm pregnant for two weeks now. Today started out rough with a trip to the ER for cramping among other things. I would have gone to my regular ob/gyn but they didn't have any open appointments so they directed me to the ER. They did a bunch of bloodwork and a few other tests, and an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that my pregnancy was going well, and that we're going to be having twins!!! I'm still in shock at the moment, but it will eventually set in. I follow up with my regular ob/gyn on Monday and I'm sure I'll get a lot more information at that time along with another ultrasound. Maybe this time I can get him to print off one or two pictures for me!

Finally a Positive!

4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks, the day after we found out it was twins